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4 min read
Antigone Play Summary Page 2
Page 1 Speaking of Haimon, he comes. The chorus and Creon are eager to know whether he is here with reverence to his King and Father’s...
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4 min read
Antigone Play Summary
Characters and Setting PLAY SUMMARY: Antigone meets Ismene to question her regarding, the new law which is about to be put forward by...
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1 min read
Antigone Play Introduction
WORK INTRODUCTION: Antigone, a tragedy was written by Sophocles probably around 441 BC. Antigone was written as the first among the three...
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1 min read
Every Man in his Humours- Ben Jonson- Act V
Act IV Summary Act V Kitley, his wife, Cob, his wife, Old Knowell and Cash go to Justice Clement’s home. Clement is enquiring about the...
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4 min read
Every Man in his Humour- Ben Jonson- Act IV
Act III Summary Act IV In Kitely’s house Downright scolds Dame Kitely for letting Wellbred and his indiscipline companions inside the...
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3 min read
Every Man in His Humour- Ben Jenson- Act III
Act II Summary ACT III: In a street, Mathew and Bobadil finally meet Wellbred. They inform how they were in search of him and Bobadil...
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2 min read
Every Man in his Humours- Ben Johnson Act II
Act I Summary Act II Kitely in his mansion asks his assistant Thomas Cash to complete a transaction. Kitley expresses to Downright, how...
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2 min read
Every Man in his Humours- Ben Jonson- Act I
Characters List ACT I: The play begins in Knowell’s home. Old Knowell calls upon his son Edward Knowell through his servant Brainworm....
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1 min read
Every Man in his Humour- Ben Jonson- Characters list
WORK INTRODUCTION: The popular play Every Man in his Humour was written by Ben Jonson, the contemporary of William Shakespeare. The play...
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5 min read
Waiting for Godot- Samuel Beckett- Play Summary(2)
Previous Page Pozzo now starts speaking to Lucky. In a sense he is not speaking rather ordering Lucky to do a lot of things like, asking...
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4 min read
Waiting for Godot- Samuel Beckett- Play Summary (1)
Work Introduction and Characters List SUMMARY: It’s an evening in a country road with a tree – The Play begins. Estragon who is also...
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1 min read
Waiting for Godot- Samuel Beckett- Work Introduction, Characters list
WORK INTRODUCTION: Forty two year old Samuel Beckett wrote the play that transformed the shape of twentieth-century drama. Waiting for...
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3 min read
Romeo and Juliet- Act V
Act IV Act V DENOUEMENT: In Mantua, Romeo thinks over and over on his dream sequence in which Juliet finds him dead in a tomb and when...
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3 min read
Romeo and Juliet- Act IV
Act III Act IV FALLING ACTION: In Friar Lawrence cell, Paris informs Friar Lawrence about his marriage on Thursday with Juliet. Friar...
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5 min read
Romeo and Juliet- Act III
Act II Act III CLIMAX: Benvolio with other men and Mercutio with his Page enters. Benvolio asks Mercutio to postpone the work they are...
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5 min read
Romeo and Juliet- Act II
Act I Act II Prologue: The chorus appears on stage and gives the audience the mood set for the next acts. They say, the love with...
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4 min read
Romeo and Juliet- Act I
Characters List and Setting Act I Prologue: The Chorus Appear on stage: Two households of a long-standing enmity in the beautiful city of...
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1 min read
Romeo and Juliet- William Shakespeare- Characters List and setting
CHARACTERS LIST: · ROMEO · MONTAGUE, Romeo’s father · LADY MONTAGUE, Romeo’s mother · BENVOLIO, their kinsman · ABRAM, a Montague...
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1 min read
The Tempest- William Shakespeare- Characters and Settings
CHARACTERS: ALONSO- The king of Naples with two children. SEBESTIAN- The brother of Alonzo, who conspires against the king with Antonio....
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2 min read
The Tempest- Act I
Characters and Settings ACT I: Alonzo, Ferdinand, Antonio, Sebastian, Gonzalo and others are in a ship in the middle of the sea caught in...
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1 min read
The Tempest- Act II
Act I ACT II In another part of the island, Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, Sebastian, Adrian and Francisco along with others discuss on the...
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2 min read
The Tempest- Act III
Act II ACT III Ferdinand collects logs. While collecting he thinks of Miranda and her beauty. Miranda arrives and prays him not to work....
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1 min read
The Tempest- Act IV
Act III ACT IV Prospero in front of his cell gives the hand of Miranda to Ferdinand saying that she is his forever from now. He also asks...
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1 min read
The Tempest- Act V
Act IV ACT V: Prospero and Ariel witness the scene where the crew is in desperate guilt. On seeing it Prospero wishes to forgive them and...
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1 min read
The Tempest- Play within a Play
PLAY WITHIN A PALY: · In Act 1, scene 1, Ariel separates the crew into groups to fall on the island with his magic as per the instruction...