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Lord Byron- Timeline

1788 -----> George Gordon Byron was born on January 22 in London.

1790 -----> Byron moved to Aberdeen along with his mother.

1791 -----> Byron's father Captain Byron passed away in France.

1792 -----> He attended day school in Aberdeen.

1794 -----> Became the heir of his family.


1799 -----> His club-foot was treated by Quack doctor, Lavender. He was mistreated by Scotch maid.

1799 -----> Attended boarding school at Dulwich.


1805 -----> Attended Harrow school and spent his vacations with his mother.

1803 -----> His first love, Mary Chaworth was killed in a duel by him.

1804 -----> Began correspondence with his half-sister Augusta.

1805 -----> Entered Trinity College, Cambridge.

1806 -----> His first poems collection Fugitive Pieces was printed privately.

1807 -----> Hours of Idleness published and he was drawn into Cambridge circle of young intellectuals and political liberals.

1808 -----> Hours of Idleness was attacked in Edinburgh Review. By July he got his Masters from Cambridge.

1809 -----> By March he took a seat in the House of Lords. He published English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. He completed first canto of Childe Harold in Athens.

1810 -----> Finished second canto of Childe Harold. Traveled in Turkey and Greece and lived in Athens.

1811 -----> July he returned to England and in March his mother died.

1812 -----> Published Childe Harold and got fame. Had affair with Lady Caroline Lamb.

1813 -----> In June he began his affair with half-sister, Augusta Leigh. He published Giaour and Bride of Abydos.

1814 -----> Published Corsair and Lara. In September he got engaged to Annabella Milbanke.

1815 -----> He married Annabella Milbanke in January and his daughter Augusta Ada was born in December 10.

1816 -----> The couple got divorced and he left London forever. He spent his summer in Switzerland with the company of Shelly, Mary Godwin and Claire Clairmont. Published Canto III of Childe Harold and Prisoner of Chillon. He also began writing Manfred.

1817 -----> His daughter Allegra was born (for Claire Clairmont). He completed Manfred and worked on Canto four of Childe Harold. He had secret relationship with Marianna Segati.

1818 -----> Began his secret relationship with Margarita Cogni. Beppo was published. Childe Harold fourth Canto was also published. Canto one of Don Juan was also completed.

1819 -----> He met Teresa, Countess Guiccioli and fell in love with her. He Published Don Juan I and II.

1820 -----> Lived in Guiccioli palace in Ravenna. Teresa got divorced from her husband. Byron met her at Gamba family Villa at Filetto. He involved in revolutionary Carbonari struggle against Austrian rule in Italy.

1821 -----> Published Don Juan III, IV, V and promised not to continue Don Juan. Carbonari Movement failed and the Gamabs were banished from their place to Pisa. He also published Cain.

1824 -----> He died.

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